Determination. What comes to mind when you see this word?
We generally don’t think of toddlers and small children as being determined little humans. They toddle around from point A to point B and can get distracted by everything in between. But, these little people are fiercely determined. Let’s take Austin as an example. If you don’t know who Austin is, then you are missing out... he is an awesome little smarty pants.
Like some small kids, Austin doesn’t like to be away from his mom and dad or be trapped in the child care room. It cramps his style. Those of you who have witnessed the following know what I am talking about… let me set the scene…. picture this…. Austin’s parents are on one side of the gym and he is on the other. The little fella wants to get to his parental units… this is the mission. There are obstacles all over the gym. People are in the way trying to grab him and kiss on him…he throws the Heisman on them and keeps moving. There are weights and ropes on the floor; he is hopping over them like Aries Merritt in the 2012 Olympics. But nothing stops him. I dare someone to get his way and pick him up… he will let them know exactly how he feels about that. He goes after what he wants (whether he should or not) with no fear and a firm determination. He isn’t even 2 and he faces the day with more determination than I do.
So where does our determination go? Right out the window when life gets the slightest bit crazy. We will never get from point A to B without determination.
What is your (and my) excuse for not accomplishing your goals? What is holding you back? What keeps you determined? I understand life gets in the way and we derailed from our routine, but is that an excuse to stop and go back to square one? Nope. It is just an obstacle… Be Aries Merritt and get over it. Get back on track. Get back on the horse. Get it together and give up the excuses.
At this point you are naming a billion things you have going on in your life (kids, school, pta, sports, dance, church, the dog, the car, your significant other, work, house work, yard work, grocery shopping, etc). I get it. Don’t you owe it to yourself to present the best version of yourself to the world? To your family? Don’t put yourself on the back burner.
Keep fighting to accomplish your goals and give yourself the life you want. Small steps in the right direction are better than no steps at all. Reach out for help when you need it….we are always here at BSAX.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” 2 Timothy 4:7