July’s Client of the Month

Name: Kori Leach


Birthday: June 16

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? Since spring 2017

What is your favorite food? Baked Chicken

What is your favorite exercise? One legged v-ups

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? My goal was to get 6 out of 6 at youth nationals, and I did that by putting in the work.

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? Working out is important to me because if later in life I want to become a dance teacher I have to be healthy and set a good influence on the younger dancers.

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X? When we were having a Wii dance battle.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend? I would say that this gym has a lot of friendly people and that sometimes we don't just work out we have some fun.

“How would you describe Kori, they asked...That girl has ice in her veins...lol. Her story at Bodyshop X is low key beast. Kori is not a person who makes a ruckus or you'll see in a crowd until it's time to perform. She comes in and gets her work done, no questions asked. When you look at her training, and you assume the session should be a grinder, there she is, straight faced killing the game! She had her first experience on the national stage and executed to perfection nailing every lift without wavering. As her coach, she's not only a joy to train and watch, but she's inspiring!” -J.W.