Brian Faltus — Bodyshop Athletics X

April Client of the month

Birth Date: September 5, 1975

How long have you been working out at Bodyshop Athletics X? 9 Months

What is your favorite food? Steak

What is your favorite exercise? Starfish

Did you have any goals? How have you accomplished them? My goal when I started back in August of last year was to get back into shape and lose some weight. I am down 10-12 pounds now.

Why is working out important to you? What keeps you motivated to pursue health? I just feel better about myself when I work out consistently and the Bodyshop is the only place that has ever happened.

What is one of your favorite or most memorable moments so far at Bodyshop Athletics X? The first morning I came back and it was like returning to the family.

How would you describe your experience at Bodyshop Athletics X to a friend? You work out crazy hard especially on Saturdays and one day you realize you are doing more then you ever thought possible.
